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Schools must put information on their websites about how they help students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They will do this by writing and publishing a SEND Policy and SEND Information Report. The SEND Information Report should be updated annually. Schools should ensure that the SEND Information Report is easily accessible by young people, and parents/carers, and is set out in clear straightforward language. Please refer to individual school websites for further information.

To search for local schools by postcode or area, and to learn more about them, please visit:
GOV.UK - Get Information About Schools

To learn about Post-16 Colleges, Post-16 Training Providers, Supported Internships and University Technical Colleges (UTCs), please visit:
Derbyshire Local Offer - Post-16 Education and Training

To learn about Independent schools for pupils with SEND, which have been approved under section 41 of the Children and Families Act, please visit:
GOV.UK - Independent special schools and Post-16 institutions

To learn about Post-16 education offers outside of Derbyshire, please visit:
Derbyshire Local Offer - Local Offer websites in neighbouring areas