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From the Summer term 2024 there will be a new team as part of the EYSEN service – the Outreach team. They will be taking on the assessment and support of early years children in their settings (both PVI and maintained nurseries and nursery classes) in place of the specialist assessment nursery placements. Assessment will no longer be offered through the assessment nurseries at Spire and Stubbin Wood. Instead, children can be referred for short term, intensive assessment and support in their current setting.

Information for Parents

If your child is attending a setting who are finding it difficult to meet your child’s needs and perhaps only offering reduced access to your child’s funded hours then you can ask them to consider a referral to the EYSEN Outreach team as part of their graduated response to your child’s needs.

If your child’s setting thinks that this intervention work would be supportive they will ask for your permission for the Outreach team to work with your child. You will be invited to regular planning and review meetings throughout the intervention period of 6-12 weeks.

Information for Schools and Settings

The EYSEN Outreach team offers support at a targeted level of the graduated response.

The aim of the Outreach team is to improve inclusion and access for children with Social,  Emotion and Mental Health (SEMH) needs and/or complex needs that present as a barrier. The support will involve both assessment of the child’s needs and upskilling of the EY workforce.

Settings will be required to engage in a whole setting approach to accessing training, following advice, and implementing strategies. Families will be required to engage with the process where appropriate.

It is envisaged that settings who have worked alongside the Outreach team proactively will be well-equipped to meet future needs of children requiring targeted support around SEMH needs without further support.

Initially, the EYSEN Outreach team will be working with a small number of settings identified through other referral pathways as part of pilots to establish the best working practice for the team and best support for settings.

If you are involved in pilots, you will need to be willing to contribute to the evaluation of the service and be part of reflective conversations about the impact of the support, what worked well, and what could be done differently.

Following the support over a period of 6-12 weeks the final review meeting with parents will make decisions about the ongoing support needed for the child. This may involve referrals to specialist support services, additional funding applications or an application for a statutory EHC Needs Assessment.

This is not a traded service and no charges will be made for training offered as part of the assessment work.

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