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The Derbyshire Portage Service works with children from birth to statutory school-age. These children will have significant developmental delay/complex SEN. They will not be attending a setting yet.

The service is part of the EYSEN service. It is a specialist level service of Portage home visitors. The portage home visitors work alongside parents to support their child’s developmental needs. These needs are usually around cognition and personal, social and emotional development. The work looks to reduce any barriers to their learning.

Referrals can be made by any professional currently working with the family via the EYSEN panel referral form.

It is best practice to carry out an early help assessment before making a referral. This will ensure that specialist level support is appropriate/required at this point.

Referrals must include detailed information about the child’s current development and complexity of need. If appropriate, evidence of the graduated response to those needs should also be included.

For further information or to discuss a possible referral: